Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Rash That Loooks Like Scratches

The great pain of this life move born of this forgetfulness of Paradise Lost, our lost humanity.
Recover it, would recover Celebration of freely given by Your Infinite Love
look in your beauty, to die the egos that keep us from Your Truth.
Accompanied by the melody of your silence, which speaks to our hearts, and so full of peace.
beauty that we see not look in the mirror and see ourselves without the light that gives life to the cosmos every day. We were trying to think we are the lords and masters, masters, and able to everything without wisdom that comes from you.
deny me three times, he said to Peter, and we will deny also in small and large circumstances, thinking ourselves by our own strength that we will. But life is teaching us, because You're the life. We're small, very small. What we saw possible collapses, that was not built from Your Will.
And so we walk with the story of a bumbling humanity is discovering that freedom has its law. The love that transforms what it touches.
Only love will transform our lives in Praise and Glory.
Look at us Lord, and sweetness make us worshipers in spirit and truth.

Laura 17 / 3 / 11


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