Saturday, February 26, 2011

Does The Nora Ross Garlic Shampoo Work


picked Leaving you need to walk the path.
The rush to know we invaded, all acquired a sense of novelty, all was admired. The look went from one side to another.
Our faces were serene, cheerful, lively, and our agile steps, fast.
seemed an endless round and a rhythmic song. What a nice adventure!
Whenever we went deeper and deeper into the dense vegetation along the trail more attractive.
Sometimes we ran, we were hiding, to meet again.
Many times we lost and we miss the road. We found many others who were walking in the same direction. Exchange games and hope. We agree, and we walked together.
Then came one day, everything became very narrow paths and each took his, there, we parted to go forward.
distances increasingly separated us. The adventure became more and more beautiful.
Now it was all the brighter, the sun warmed the air, the flowers out on the trail, multiple colors, the fragrance flooded everything. We discovered the love that floods everything. Rhythmic song by heart, we jumped puddles, we climbed the slopes, stones were no obstacle in our way quickly and decisively.
dreamed find what we wanted, we went on behind it.
Many mazes are in the way we wanted to leave and could not be intertwined with each other. It seemed that we went out and introduced us to one another, suddenly made the night, fear takes over and succumb to anxiety and distress.
But there was always something that lit the way, a wounded bird, a singing risueñor a flight of butterflies, in their roots ombú splendid gave us a rest.
We reached a place where everyone should begin to build from what they learned. There began the task. Arduous and complex.
Skills, jealousy, mingled subtle close encounters, each emerged as could be, some were lost along the way, treasuring chimeras. Other tired and bored, let the adventure, and abandoned in the search.
But most still, rightly or wrongly, that the time would tell.
So it was a long time. Shoots emerged that the path happy with their laughter and their cries invited more and more. The shoots grew and followed their paths.
Walking thought the adventure was over, the journey was short for some, for others too long.
seemed we reached the top, from there you would see something sublime. But there was still a stretch, which for our tired feet, it became more difficult to continue.
But suddenly a gentle breeze pushed us forward and silence filled the day, only a sound in the distance told us about life. This adventure brought us here.
still not reached the top, I invite you to follow.
How to proceed?, We wonder, with so much loneliness beside us, where we have lost friends, and have left behind hopes and dreams.
Now we look at and travel, we realize that the sublime we wanted, is what we live in this adventure gift of life.
And now if we can immerse ourselves in the silence, which all together, and we are filled with a fullness that makes us say
¡Viva la Vida !

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Intrnational 9400 Semi Parts

What an IQ test?

Punset interview

Cambridge neuroscientist Adrian Owen who studies intelligence twelve pillars grouped into four categories: memory, reasoning, concentration and planning.

Why some people are geared better than others? Why some have better memories than others, or greater visual acuity?

To deepen the study of intelligence and the relationship between their different abilities, Owen has created the web Cambridge Brain Science, which makes use of the tests of thousands of Internet users to analyze and compare the results. The tests are fantastically designed with video instructions for each test but, yes, in English. Sign up and PARTICIPATE! (Click on the picture below)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Why Do People With Hiv Often Get Sick


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Refrigerator Drip Tray Smell

SURFACE: What are you doing online with our minds? Savater

This is the title of the last book of the writer Nicholas Carr published by TAURUS.

"Twitter misses you. Are not you curious about the many things you're missing? Come back! "

The ubiquity of the Internet in the lives of one third of men humans is noted in our ability to concentrate, since the ease of the Internet to distract us is enormous. Carr asks whether the Internet multitasking (read a email, Twitter messages, to see what it says Somebody's niece on Facebook and Google search in a cheap ticket to Prague will I open the ports on the router? Ah, yes that I was not sure to answer the email ...) is not impossible that we can reflect in a linear manner and deep.

But it also may be at stake the freedom of the individual: perhaps we're becoming a more uninformed even with the most information capacity available in the history of mankind. Is it worth it, because the digital leap? In any case is an irreversible process socially and that only the specific individual can escape being aware of the enormous power of seduction of this new Big Brother. McLuhan seems to have more reason than ever: the middle and nothing else.

PD. Nietzsche typed A Spoke Zarathustra himself in one of the first typewriters, and acknowledged that his style had changed. More information REBELLION.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Feria Compared To Garnier

are hidden, very hidden in our being,
not We encourage you to see.
is the fear of being forgotten,
are forgetting that pass unwittingly
and there We never encourage others to see.
Oblivion is no one who was
is contempt, it is indifference, I do not know.
Why so scared
us arises in the soul to be forgotten?
Why do you want to stay?
This question comes from seeing me the go at all,
the beloved by me, someday,
be pinned my hopes for forever.
not want to forget the Lord of my life
and if someday I do
to me responds "I will not forget you"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Home Stethoscopes Chicago

lack of love,
nonhealing wounds
solitudes are isolated,
bleeding in pain.

Unable to find relief
tears and sighs
So many injuries have
in our society!
beings who wander
without being loved
or heard,
or included

many caresses the soul needs
to heal and live
desired peace Ti

Dark and upset gone,
covering of fictitious joys,

Samaritan How To
to heal the wounds
of many who suffer
the same condition?

had one day to live,
the Lord rejoiced.

We are all
a bleeding wound,
and join the
brother bleed them.

As Jesus was wounded
dying on the Cross ,
and thus heal
His Great Love
And there, at that meeting
find forgiveness,
relieve wounds,
the smile comes
and find peace.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Prostate Cancer Survival Gleason 8 Gleason 8

: Philosophy in the era of Internet and Cyberspace

"The philosophy is reflected relexionar on what Aristotle and Plato, but what they now think Plato and Aristotle" Fernando Savater, philosopher.