Sunday, October 31, 2010

Floor For Aluminum Boat

Can A Virus In Stomach Delay Your Period


Hands rise
Tears that cross the faces
Gestures suffering
of people waiting
of frustrated hopes
Crying phrase
Have Mercy on us

open heart is what we
Hands clasped
Creative Imagination
Embracing all
Building Bridges meetings
Without judging, knocking down walls
of indifference and apathy
Believing that from a distance
We are united in the hope
to reach all the most deprived
To those who cried uncontrollably
Those who lower their arms

Flood of life so much death
Bring out a compassionate look
Build links
that embraces all
feel the love that guides
The outstretched hand
And the daily effort
For Life redo
joy In a press
where everyone eats, and heal
Where love reigns
in your eyes and mine.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What Is Megan Good Hair Length In Weave


In my labyrinth, which no longer belongs to me, I crossed hopes and dreams
I found my way, other mazes, some closed and others open
Some in my time, others in ancient times and some come
Dreams of life and why not in death, leaving light appears
and opens the door to the infinite and eternal love maze

There, in that new Flash, roll the world, the universe and you
There I am, telling the story, love poems collected
See you there smiling , giving rise to a new creation
There remain seeing the world for centuries and eternity rolling
United primary thread that makes sense our not being more.

Olvidados de todos los sinsabores de nuestros egos inflados
De todas las promesas sin fin, que olvidaron la esencia y mintieron
Inundando la historia de idas y vueltas, de injusticia y maltrato
Sacando del centro de todo contexto lo cercano como verdadero
And leaving far this meeting where everything flows from his own being.

So wrap you in my Stabat,
in me not
For that is, Sea
And there remain in this
of perfect peace.

                                 Laura 21/X/10

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

2 Blue Metal Core Wheels

Here you have the first installment of a program on Plato, presented by the philosopher Fernando Savater. If investigáis on labels, you can access other previous blog entries on the great Athenian philosopher.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cant Use Camera On Oovoo Mac


Remember those days of fog, where your presence seemed to vanish into the clouds, where you saw a light that was almost transparent view of a lit match away in miles, but was close.
Almost nothing was seen by more eyes open, was almost walk in space.
I then ran into the tree, I hugged him that it had its roots deeply and firmly into the ground, he remained imperturbable, always there, steady.
sit on his caress on your chest the permanent presence of its timber that was inside the sap of life.
now learned that the tree is your friend holds you even harder, you seemed to be alone, surrounded by nothing, for nothing appeared before your eyes, and remains so long in silence it was the silence that I spoke.
Yes, at that time to silence all noise, every conversation, every word and in and around you enter the silence, what would happen? Would discover life.
communicate, say, and still speaking, not much we did, playing much either. Why?
Because the noise hamper our dialogue, it's like the radio tuned, because the wave that leads to the tuning is, friend, silence.
In that silence everything is clear, serene, harmonious.
lives in the silence and the fog of your life will change in clarity and brightness.
Ama silence.
That street and your troubled mind, and silence becomes the master of your life.

Monday, October 11, 2010

I Want To Get A Brazalian But I Have Hemmroids

Plato Socrates and the Sophists

Here I leave a small increase seen in class on the subject.

recommendation of the house is 100%.

:-) Greetings.